How to Extend the Life of Your Fuel Pump?

Keeping your fuel pump alive is important for maintaining a smooth running vehicle andsaving yourself a chunk of change in the long run. This can help extend the life of the fuel pump (in addition to running super unleaded petrol and keeping your tank above ¼ full): most owners will barely make 100,000 miles with their fuel pump still going strong. Studies show that a clean filter can increase pump efficiency by 25 percent because it allows the unit to work without debris wearing down its parts.

One of the is keeping a quarter tank fuel, it prevents the fuel pump from overheating. Fuel also serves as a coolant for the pump, and running it on or near empty boosts the likelihood of failure by almost half. Automotive expert and engineer John M. said, “Optimal fuel levels not only help performance but also extend the life of the pump.”

Rich enough fuel can also extend the life of the pump. A less impurity fuel decreases the chances of an obstructions and possible pump failure. According to information from the American Petroleum Institute, using a premium grade fuel can result in about 15% less wear of an engine and generally has benefits for the entire fuel system.

For starters, keep tabs on the electrical system—a good food supply means efficient operation for the fuel pump. If a pump draws too many amps, its life is compromised by about 30%. Additional benefits of routine wiring and connector inspection include the reduction in electrical issues that may cause early pump failure.

A clean fuel system is paramount. Adding a fuel additive can help to clean the injectors and the fuel pump, so consider doing this every 3,000 miles in order to improve efficiency and avoid further problems down the line. Vehicles using regular fuel system cleaners have been proven to improve fuel economy by as much as 10% (hence, leading to longer pump life).

Lastly, try not to start and stop your car too often as the fuel pump has to work harder when doing this. Every time a pump starts, it has to work harder in order to build up pressure, and this can shorten the life of the pump. The research has concluded that stop-and-go driving can take 20% off the life of a fuel pump.

Taking these measures will allow motorists to make the most of their fuel pump and enjoy reliable, predictable service. Check out Fuel Pump for best used fuel pumps, oem fuel pump or aftermarket fuel pump options.

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